hi guys HealthTech here top 10 places to apply fragrance i’m going to show you 10 spots where you can apply a fragrance and also i’m going to mention smells so gorgeous two places where you should not spray your fragrance which is here and here and definitely also not in your face but we come to that in the end so number 10 spot where you can apply a fragrance is here why it’s only
🔻 number 10 here because who smells down there it’s a waste of fragrance and you spray it they say you sprayed on the pulse point yeah this is a pulse point but how often do you wear free pants here that you don’t have a spot here so it’s my least favorite spot to spray a fragrance and bear with me sometimes i can make mistakes i don’t remember everything correctly but we keep going with the
🔻 number nine spot with the number nine most favorite spot which would be here here right here again people say yeah apply it on a pulse point but you know what how often do you wear a t-shirt or a tank top people often wear shirts so you spray it on your shirt anyway so the pulse point effect is not relevant anyways okay we keep going with the
🔻 number eight spot it’s here here we have finally a pulse point where people can smell it but here you often wear a watch i don’t because i used to wear golden rolex but nothing touches god guys just as a side mark so i’m not don’t want to distract too much of me but this is important and wearing all white so this is my vibe but we keep going this is the number eight spot why because sometimes it can mix with the sweat of your watch wearing here it can interfere with that and how uncool is it yeah here is my fragrance you want to smell it okay uninteresting shortly after
🔻number seven spot is right here you spray it right here the only reason why i prefer this over this is because i like to test my fragrances when i spray them right here so i spray one fragrance here i spray rolling fragrance here and then throughout the day oh fuck this is so gorgeous this fragrance this is my frigates guys for ladies for men buy it man this is my least expensive one unisex well it’s a 50 ml so if you convert it it’s actually not that less expensive but it’s still a good deal get it at the bundle section so number seven spot here because you can test fragrances nicely okay we keep going it gets hotter now
🔻 number six spot on your shoulder why because when you walk around man you walk around the shoulder is the closest part to the people when they are next to you so obviously you should know that clothes is a better carrier of fragrance than skin okay keep that in mind so it’s a good spot we’re getting in the good spot area
🔻 number five spot this is so weird well actually it is so weird guys this is really weird what i’m going to do right now but whenever i do disrespect to god like spraying the cross right now i i actually go on my knees really what i do when i say fuck i’m sorry for that god when i do some stupid stuff or like when i do my push-ups and it suddenly fells on on the ground you know i had to do it now so that was not intentional but technically you could spray your chest also so this is sexy this is cool if you have a girlfriend or your wife or whatever laying on your chest she smells it it’s nice yes but it goes into your nose a lot it interferes a lot and it distracts you a little bit so keep in mind that it’s not the best place ever but still it’s great so it’s a nice bubble have it on your chest number five spot
🔻 number Four spot would be here and well yeah on on your collar right here not on your skin but right here again the the clothes is a better scent carrier then you know i’m i’m so religious you know guys but at the same time i’m i’m i’m i’m human and i understand funny and stuff but just so you see man this is full power what we’re doing right here so this is the number four spot it’s great you have a nice sand bubble around you when you spray it right here fantastic we keep going with the number three spot well actually yeah
🔻 number three spot is for the ladies spray take your hair take it like that boom and spray it in your hair there’s not much better stuff than smelling fragrance in the hair of a gorgeous woman when you give her a left kiss or right kiss keep that in mind
🔻 number two spot spray it behind your ear okay spring it behind your ear is fantastic because it is a pulse point so it circulates nicely and it doesn’t annoy you you have a nice scent bubble around you and it’s a very intimate vibe if you have a fragrance bubble around you in your neck area and the last and the
🔻number one place where i like to apply fragrance on the back of your neck you can do that if you are bold you can do that if you have hair this is the best place wow how elegant is that you walk around the nice sand bubble behind me just last time when i wore this one got a sick compliment again well i just got a compliment and guys if you want to get compliments wear this fragrance unisex i love you i wish you everybody a great day and yeah bye guys wow it’s super strong it’s not like a businessman it’s perfect for the office no worries this is super amazing smell good wow.
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